John Spinella, President–[email protected]

John has been a car guy since childhood. He uses his talents to restore his many project vehicles. He and Susan spend much of their time together driving their many cars to various shows and events in the area.

Pat Whissel, Vice President–[email protected]

Pat and her husband Rick have been members since about 2008. She and Rick have a 1934 Rumbleseat Coupe (one of two left in the United States) and a 2004 Final 500 Silhouette (#172) . She has served the club as President, Secretary, and BOPC Registration Chairman.

Karen Stutzman, Secretary-[email protected]

Karen and her husband Leo are founding members of the Olds Club of Florida. Karen has served the club as President, Treasurer and now as Secretary. They are found driving their 1953 Fiesta to club events and car shows throughout Florida and take it to most national Oldsmobile Shows. They are the second owners of the car and have owned it for over 70 years.

Kerri Berman, Treasurer–[email protected]

After Kerri and Paul moved to the Tarpon Springs area, they were able to become more involved with OCF. She served as Secretary from 2020-2024 and became Treasurer in 2024–serving as both Secretary and Treasurer in 2024. For the last three (3) years she has served as Registration Chair for the BOPC. When she can, she enjoys driving this beautiful Custom Cruiser.

Paul Berman, Chapter Representative–[email protected]

Paul Berman has been a member of the Olds Club of Florida since 2000. He is your new Chapter Representative for 2025. He is a long time owner of this beautiful red 1972 442. He and Kerri enjoy showing both of their Oldsmobiles at many car shows and events throughout Florida.


Olds Club of Florida Logos
Olds Club of Florida Logos