This month–a Letter from the Vice President
Hi OCFers,
I hope everything is going well for all of you. We are getting sick of the cold, rainy portions of our current weather cycle. Yes, some places in Florida needed rain, but…ENOUGH! Rain, rain, go away; Come again some other day! We are here in Florida for warm, sunny weather.
This is a message from your Vice President. I’m helping out a little because John’s back is really hurting; I’m trying to take some duties “off his plate.”
The Olds Club of Florida is meeting early in March, April, and May—the first Saturday of each month. In March and April we will be in Pinellas County—first in Safety Harbor at the Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranch Open House. This is a fantastic experience. They provide a great barbeque lunch for everyone, the deputies bring their specialty vehicles and the helicopter plus do a canine demonstration, and the kids take the time to show off their residences. The car display is as large as we can make it; the kids really enjoy seeing the cars and some if us let the kids sit in them or take them for short rides on the property. We are also planning to give another donation with additional funds from the BOPC.
We hope you are planning to attend the Oldsmar Days Parade and/or the ALL OLDSMOBILE Car Display on April 6. We especially need convertibles willing to carry dignitaries. The show field at RE Olds Park will be open starting at 10 AM. The club hasn’t been able to find a decent group room rate; we suggest you use the internet to locate accomodations that will work for you.
It’s time to make your hotel reservations for OCA Nationals in Springfield, Missouri. It’s really a long haul for the Florida Oldsmobiles, but I know we will be attending. Rick is planning to drive the 1934. He has already arranged to have some of her issues addressed—the first available appointment was in April. Getting an appointment with a mechanic is worse than getting in to see a doctor. The poor car has some electrical problems; I hope they can figure it out. The interior lights work sporadically; we cut the wires for the locks and alarm because they worked on their own schedule (even when no one was in the car), and there only is one weak windshield wiper. Then, she cries; small amounts of pretty, colored fluids show up on the garage floor. So many problems, so few people who are willing to work on these old beauties. I know the skills are special, but some of the younger generation should apprentice to the remaining classic car mechanics and they will make an excellent living; if they are good, they could earn more than college graduates and not accumulate the expense or the debt.
By now, you are thinking…ENOUGH…Pat Whissel! Hope to see you soon. The meetings scheduled this spring should be lots of fun. Hope you’ll be able to drive your Olds and join us, but come have fun with everyone even if it isn’t in an Oldsmobile.
Enjoy automobubbling in your Merry Oldsmobile soon!