A Letter from the President
Greetings Fellow Rocketeers!
I hope everyone is enjoying this great Spring weather. As always, I’d like for everyone to keep some of our fellow Club Members in your thoughts and prayers. George Maniates has informed me that Marian is scheduled for a surgery. Also John and Maggie Lake are still battling illness as well as Mary Degler. I won’t get into the specifics but please keep them in your prayers. I’m sure they would like a phone call to chat with their fellow Oldsmo-pals!
I’ve decided to try to start a garden. The price of produce is getting outrageous so I’ve started some seedlings and they are coming up nicely. Now I’m trying to build some above ground beds just because I’m not as flexible as I was in my younger years. Hopefully it works out. Someone (Pat Higgins) told me with a smile on his face that I should grow a cash crop… I’m not sure if I’d be able to write my newsletter from jail, and they certainly wouldn’t let me go cruising in my 442! So, no cash crop!!
Now on to my 1966 Delta 88 Project…. Nothing has changed, I’ve been sort of nursing a bad back, pinched nerve caused by a cyst/inflamation on my spine. But to quote Monte Python when they were loading the wagon ,“I’m getting Better!” so maybe next month I can have an update on the “Drunkie the Clown” repair.
That’s all I’ve got, I’m sure y’all wanted me to quit my rambling a long time ago, so until next month, stay healthy, safe, and keep those Rockets Rolling!