John Spinella

Dear Fellow Rocketeers,

I hope everyone is doing well, and staying safe. What a busy past month this has been! Everyone on the Board and several members have been scurrying around trying to get ready for what is now in the rearview mirror—the BOPC Show. It just goes to show, hard work really does pay off! From start to finish, or, in car talk…. From parking to awards, everything went smoothly. We have had several compliments on the show, ranging from, how beautiful and creative the trophies were, to how amazing the quality of the show cars were, and how beautiful the park setting was. The weather was sunny with a nice breeze and the temperature was cooler than the surface of the sun… really. it was warm but not scorching hot. The show field had plenty of room for several more show cars. I had originally thought it was a light turnout, but as it turns out, our parking crew did a great job getting everyone set with plenty of space between cars. We learned a lot from last year and it worked out great!

The raffle, door prizes, and auction went great and the winner of the 50/50 walked away with over $300.00! I believe her name was Nancy Davis, and Nancy had just joined the club earlier that morning! Now that’s the way to welcome a new member! I’m pretty sure we had 3 new members join at that show. As of now, I don’t have their names and I’m sure they will be announced elsewhere in this newsletter, but I’d still like to welcome them. we are thrilled to have you! 

I’d like to thank all of the volunteers for giving up your day to help out, without you there would not be a show. It can be very stressful coordinating everything that has to be done and then following through to do it—especially the day of, but we always seem to pull together and make it work out. So, once again, THANKS to ALL VOLUNTEERS!

I’m going to keep this short this month. I’m sure there will be other articles talking about the BOPC.

Remember to keep those Rockets fired up and rolling!


Olds Club of Florida Logos
Olds Club of Florida Logos