Welcome to OCF

About Us
Olds Club of Florida (OCF) members love Oldsmobiles and everything about them–searching for them, saving them, learning more about them, restoring them, driving them, showing them, finding parts for them. We have about 85 member families. Full-time residents, “snowbirds”, and others from outside the state who vacation here and are passionate about Oldsmobiles– ALL are welcome.
We meet monthly from September through May and occasionally over the warm summer months. We move the meetings around to accommodate members throughout the state. We meet during the day on Saturdays to avoid driving at night because some of the older headlights are dim (and some of our eyes aren’t quite what they used to be). We try to have our meetings in conjunction with an historic or car-related activity; we almost always find a nearby eatery for food and to spend more time swapping stories.
Club vehicles range in age from Oldsmobile’s early days until the Final 500’s of 2004. Many are driven, some are not; some are pristine, some are not. If you own an Oldsmobile or just dream of owning an Oldsmobile, we would love to have you join us.