Though the day was gray and rainy, we were nice and dry as Don McCullen shared wonderful details about 49 of his restored vehicles. Most are American cars that were top of the line and all of them are in show condition. The collection included several 1950s and 60s Oldsmobiles. All of them drive, and he did much of the restoration work himself so he knows them intimately. It is very rare to have the owner of such an impressive private collection opens up his car barn and his heart and tells the stories about where the cars originated and the struggles of making them new again. Don is a wealth of knowledge.
There were 27 members and guests touring the collection. OCF members travelled from as far away as Brandon, Clearwater, Jacksonville, and Apopka. It was great to catch up with members we haven’t seen for a while and meet some new car lovers. Frank and Beverlye Spignesi are new members from Clearwater; they joined us for the first time. Anilo Gonzalez from the Tampa Bay Antique Vehicle Association came with Pat and Kay Higgins; he also invited us to an event their club is sponsoring on February 24. Patrick Hoffman and Gary Wright came down from the Jacksonville area. Charlie Jones drove up from Apopka. Karen and Leo invited Kay and Chuck Larson from Union, Michigan and The Villages to join us; Kay and Chuck also own a 1953 Fiesta. Sylvie was the only sole brave enough to drive her Oldsmobile—as she says “We’re not made of sugar. We won’t melt.” Rich Steed drove in from Wesley Chapel. We were sorry more members from The Villages and Ocala area didn’t add to the fun.
We were all very sorry to hear that Donna had been hospitalized the night before our visit. We hope she is quickly recovering. Don definitely went above and beyond by hosting our OCF members when he was so concerned about Donna. We appreciate his hospitality.