Oldsmar is the town founded by Ransom E. Olds about 15 years after he sold the first Oldsmobiles. Early in the 1900’s he wanted a planned community where farmers could live with tourists and retirees. So he searched for property and purchased about 35,000 acres at the north end of Tampa Bay for $400,000. Then he designed Oldsmar to fan out from the bay; the main streets divided by grass-covered medians. Unfortunately, his town was not as successful as he envisioned. He eventually sold the property. We can only surmise that he was distressed by this failure because his great grandchildren were never informed that Oldsmar was a part of their heritage until long after Ransom’s death.
On April 6, 2024 Oldsmar will host a parade at 11 AM that features Oldsmobiles. There is also a non-judged ALL OLDSMOBILE Show at R.E. Olds Park. You can show up at the park as early as 10 AM. Those in the parade will come afterwards. We will have have an Olds Club of Florida meeting and enjoy the cars and company. There will also be an auction to benefit the R.E OLDS MUSEUM in Lansing, Michigan. Hope you can be there and show off your Oldsmobile.