Greetings Fellow Members,
I hope everyone is doing well at this time. The Hurricanes were not too bad for Susan and me. We were very fortunate. We had a few trees and several limbs down, but it was mostly dead trees and limbs in the woods surrounding our home. Our property does not flood, and standing water drains very quickly. The trees are far from the house and don’t pose a threat. I think they blocked the wind from doing any damage. Although we made out relatively well, other members lost quite a bit-including flooded homes and cars. I hope and pray everyone affected by the storms will do well rebuilding and getting their lives back to normal.
The 46th Annual BOPC show was a huge success! All the planning and hard work by the Board and volunteers paid off. The evening before the show, a group of volunteers had dinner at The Alehouse, filled our bellies, and headed back to the host hotel for a meeting to discuss our strategy. We met at the park the next morning at 7:00am and got to work unloading the trailer, van, and cars full of everything needed to put on an awesome show and setting up. Our Club Rocks! We had around 30 volunteers scurrying around putting things in order and doing it in a short time. Cars were showing up as we were working, but somehow, we still managed to get everything done quickly. A steady stream of cars came in until about 11:00. Needless to say, we had a great turnout! The park was full of beautiful classic cars, we had a nice swap meet area and the food truck was awesome! If someone didn’t get a door prize, it’s because they didn’t walk up to get it, there were more than enough for everyone to get something! The Auburndale FFA (future farmers of America} dang near sold out of hot coffee and goodies. Next year they said that they would have breakfast sandwiches to add to their offerings. Tom’s Traveling Tunes kept the joint rocking and gave shouts out to all our sponsors throughout the day. And…speaking of our Sponsors, they outdid themselves this year! Make sure you check out our sponsor page in this and every Newsletter and support the ones who support us! The awards were well received, and the specialty picks went to some amazing cars. The Florida Sherriffs Youth Ranch representative Wayne Witczak said he would try to get Polk County Sherriff Grady Judd to attend next year. That would be awesome! Sheriff Judd is a great speaker! We had a very good auction and raffle. Kay and Pat Higgins (mostly Kay!) just kidding Pat… or am I? You know I have to give Pat a hard time to keep him on his toes! The 50/50 paid out $531.00, to a lucky attendee. Thank you Sandy Gray for working the crowd for the 50/50. There was a great response from members of the crowd, we’ve heard on several occasions that the BOPC is their favorite show every year; one first timer said it’s the best show he been to since he’s been in Florida… All the hard work pays off! Thank you Volunteers, we couldn’t do it without you!
Don’t forget, election for Club Officers is fast approaching, now’s your chance to step up and take a active role in taking the Club into the future!
Well, that’s all the yackin for this month, I’ve gotta go out and work on the tractor!
Until next month, ya’ll be safe, get out there, and keep those Rockets fired up and rolling!